Welcome to the show, the travelling ghetto. Years of breathing the
souls of rotted minds has created a bad case of "Ghetto Insanity." As you walk the streets, stared at as if you were a freak
show, less than human, an ogre walking the streets paved with gold, you'll begin to understand. If those of the ghetto are
nothing more than carnival exhibits to the upper class, then let's give them the show they deserve! No more hearing of
this show because it can now be witnessed in your own front yard. A travelling mass of carnage. The same carnage witnessed
on a daily basis in the ghetto can be yours to witness, feel, and suffer through. No longer killing one another, but killing
those who heartlessly ignored our relentless pleas for help. Like a hurricane leaving a trail of destruction....the Carnival
Of Carnage may be visiting you...