Jack and Jake Jeckel rest in all of us for they
are they very fabric of our being conscience. Jake Jeckel represents the angel on your shoulder telling you to do the
right thing (your conscience). Jack Jeckel represents every malicious idea you've ever had. It's up to you which
of them runs your life. Emerging from the Dark Carnival like phantom smoke drifting into the minds
of men, they are the Amazing Jeckel Brothers. A chaotic duo of juggling masters, Jack "the sinister" and Jake "the just" juggle
the sins of mortal men. The price of admission to their show is a mere human soul. When death creeps around and life decays,
the departed spirit will begin its journey. A vision of a candle will begin to form like a distant dream with billowing smoke
rising from its eternal flame. In this thick haze the deceased will begin to see an image of Jake and Jack Jeckel juggling
red balls between themselves. Each ball soaked in fresh blood and pulsating like an erratic living heart. For every sin committed
in a mortal's life another ball is added to their unearthly performance and the harder it becomes. The deceased will witness
sinister Jack throwing Jake curves in a vile attempt to see a ball drop. For if they should fumble in their act, a pit of infinite
evil shall open beneath the feet of the viewer and cast the soul into an eternity of pain and suffering. Success on the other
hand, opens the gates of Shangri-La and grants one ascension into pure enlightenment and peace. Jack and Jake
Jeckel rest in all of us for they are the very fabric of our being conscience and soul. There is no escape from their Juggling
act because there is no way to escape from ourselves. Only in death will we realize this as we twist and spin to the other
Their glow of compassion kindles the heart, like a campfire on a cold winters eve. their embers burn
eternally, spreading the flames of mercy like a warm blanket over the shoulders of a vagabond. Their kindness is fueled by
sympathy for human suffering, but their inferno of righteous cause, incinerates creatures of sin to ash. The torch of their
salvation guides wandering in the dark abyss to freedom. Its flaring sparks float on the winds of change, like soaring birds
recently freed from a dreamy cage. Laughter explaodes forth from the essence of their being, radiating the land with childish
joy. They have many names, but for now let it be spoken like melodic music drifting through the air. Their jake and jack true